Sunday, May 6, 2012

assalamualaikum semua.....lamak juak aku xnguras ctok..hahaha...sthun lbih ku xda update..actually ku ng xpian nk plh bndatok semua...hahaha...byk prkara yg dh brlaku sjak aher2 tok..huhu....da sdih,da hepi...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

ermmm....boring ku ari ni...ptg tdi tgk cte gadoh....second time aku tgk....p tetap prey ngan adik2 ku...i can't sleep coz my love otw to kelantan...risau lah....
rase nyer aku nk kuar sok.....maybe,depend on the weather....aku harp cuaca sok ok....coz aku ade bnda nk d buat sok....aku nk tdo,mata pulak xdpt nk tdo...boring tol...fb pn mcm xde ape2 je...
lupe plak aku,tdi aku cuba lh bkak's for my BEL311...unfortunately,aku xtau nk wat yg mana satu..bengong btol...byk doe dlm web tu...which one is the quiz??esok2 aku tnya org lain pulak lah....
aher gak ku tdo ni....hampeh tol la....starving lah pulak....adeh...hahaaku xmkn tdi,tu lah psal...lpas ni lah...
kol brape lah my love bru nk smpai umah......aku hrp die slamat smpai lah.....

Saturday, January 29, 2011

its tdi aku g pasar mggu ngan mak...aku ingat nk bli shoes,p xde yg brkenan d i eat my burger...really great that i can eat that burger...yum2!!..hahaha
n then both of us went to one stop to buy something.....i only got highlighter and bag....after that,we went,aku bru bgn tdo..kpla aku pning sgt2....smbil tu waiting my love...i wonder where did he be??
die cakap kat aku nk jln2 tdi..mybe ptg ni kot nk balik klantan.....still waiting...oh goodness....really tired....
my mom juz back home.....lme gak mak aku g dinner.....aku tdi tgk tv....cte melayu.....klakar gak lah cte tu,tjuk "menantu tip top" love pn bru bis sminar die...time ni aku tgh msj ngan die...pnyer la lme mnggu buah ati ku abis smnar tdi...smpai kboringan aku d buat nyer.....

cny is around the corner.....thun ni thun arnab...i wonder what is the meaning behind it.....klau dh raya cine ni,msti area umah aku brdentam dentum...maklum lh, the only malay dlm lorong aku ni ialah fmily aku...n ku rsa da gak fmily melyu kt ujung lorong...not sure lah....kt kwasan aku mmg meriah ngan smbutan thun bru cina ni....every nite we can hear bunyi mercun maa....dh biase kot....tdi tgh aku tgk tv,trkjut beruk aku dgn bunyi mercun org sblh umah aku...gler siot..haha..anyway,happy chinese new year to all chinese in malaysia...wish u all luck!
i feel bored this nite......dh la xde father didn't bought it for me bcoz my brother didn't tell him.....anyway it's fine......actually aku buntu gler la mlm ni.....x tau nk wat pe....
tdi tgh tgk cte katon shin chan,leh ttdo pulak....mlepas tgk cte doraemon...kwang3...
tup2 tgk ble aku sdar dri tdo,adk2 aku sume tdo....xleh arp btol.....haha
nothing much to share....i juz text my love....and he told me that he did not go home this nite.....very sad to heard.....but anything will be fine...he got seminar today but supposely that seminar finish at 6 o'clock...but till now not yet finish.....sbb tu aku boring kit ari ni,xde dgn org nk msj...kihkih....
finish my eating...aku mkn mee je tdi..tau x mee ape??mee lee fah doe....alhmdulillah kyg gak...p kn,aku tringin nk mkn ssuatu..BURGER..omg!!i ask my father yo buy it for me...hehe...bkn sbarang burger tau...prosperity!!hahaha...i wonder,msih lgi x burger tu???
klau dh xde cm ne ek??...alamak..mlepaslh jwb nyer....

my mom hving dinner this nite....p aku x tau lak under ape..mybe tmpt kja mak aku....nmpk nya mlm ni tggal lh aku n adk2 ku.....ku hrp bpk ku ade bli burger....tringin sgt nk mkn,dri ari tu dh....