Saturday, January 29, 2011

cny is around the corner.....thun ni thun arnab...i wonder what is the meaning behind it.....klau dh raya cine ni,msti area umah aku brdentam dentum...maklum lh, the only malay dlm lorong aku ni ialah fmily aku...n ku rsa da gak fmily melyu kt ujung lorong...not sure lah....kt kwasan aku mmg meriah ngan smbutan thun bru cina ni....every nite we can hear bunyi mercun maa....dh biase kot....tdi tgh aku tgk tv,trkjut beruk aku dgn bunyi mercun org sblh umah aku...gler siot..haha..anyway,happy chinese new year to all chinese in malaysia...wish u all luck!

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