Saturday, January 29, 2011

i feel bored this nite......dh la xde father didn't bought it for me bcoz my brother didn't tell him.....anyway it's fine......actually aku buntu gler la mlm ni.....x tau nk wat pe....
tdi tgh tgk cte katon shin chan,leh ttdo pulak....mlepas tgk cte doraemon...kwang3...
tup2 tgk ble aku sdar dri tdo,adk2 aku sume tdo....xleh arp btol.....haha
nothing much to share....i juz text my love....and he told me that he did not go home this nite.....very sad to heard.....but anything will be fine...he got seminar today but supposely that seminar finish at 6 o'clock...but till now not yet finish.....sbb tu aku boring kit ari ni,xde dgn org nk msj...kihkih....

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